Monday, August 18, 2008


Despite my Bachelors degree in design, I consider my professional background to be in technology.

In 1995 I graduated from North Carolina State University a semester early for my degree with my bachelors in Design. The full title of the degree is Bachelor of Environmental Design which is quite misleading because it doesn't have much to do with the environment as most people know it per se. It was also quite short sighted of the administration of the then School of Design to agree to this moniker, obviously not being overly concerned with the challenge it would pose for graduates on the job market.

Before being admitted into the School of Design in 1992, I spent several years prior in the College of Engineering studying Computer Engineering. During that time I also applied for and completed several internships with Duke Power Company. While still registered in the engineering program I began looking at Architecture as a career option as it had been my childhood dream career (an idea I got watching the Brady Bunch; Mike Brady was an Architect). Having become more an more interested

Even though I have been teaching English for a significant period of time.

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